CFA® Exam (Feb 2022)
Revision with Hundreds of Practice Questions
Quality practice is the key to success. After accessing all the materials you’ve absorbed for the CFAexam, it is time to reinforce your CFA knowledge through application and practice!
Join our Revision Course now to enjoy early bird discount and get guidance from experts who know how to pass!
800+ Practice Questions
Through the exam practice questions (as a concept checker) to quiz yourself on what you’ve learned.
Guidance from Exam Experts
Experienced instructors to explain the answers and provide exam strategies and techniques.
Fine Tune your Study Plan
Pinpoint strengths and weaknesses so you can focus your studies. Strengthen trouble areas, and complete your knowledge base.
Revision Mind Maps
Summarize key concepts at a glance. Provides insights and exam tips on how to effectively prepare and apply your knowledge on exam day.
Improve your exam-taking skills and speed
Mock Exam (4.5 hours)
Practice your exam technique under a similar environment to
- Develop your exam-taking skills and overcome exam anxiety
- Demonstrate your mastery of the CFA Program curriculum
- Identify your weak areas and fine tune your study plan at the final stage
Review (3 hours)
Review the mock exam with answer explanations.
- Receive personalized performance report
- Drill deeper into the questions with our experienced instructors
- Identify areas for improvement and study priorities
Free CFA Seminars/Webinars
(can attend in person or online via zoom)
- CFA program overview & exam information
- How CFA designation can benefit your career
- Exam tips & demo lecture
For enrollment:
- Please come to our campus (402 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay) for enrollment using CEF as there will be documents that require your signature. CEF
- Non-CEF enrollment can be done via email.
- Interest-free monthly credit card payments over 6/12 months available for Non-CEF enrollment!